Peptide libraries or pools allow the stimulation of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) specific T cells to develop therapeutic vaccines or drugs. After successful stimulation, T cells can be detected and isolated for further research, as needed.
Combinatorial peptide libraries allow the characterization of critical features of B cell epitopes as well as MHC class I and class II binding epitopes, either natural or synthetic.
Peptide libraries can be synthesized in a completely random fashion or containing one or several defined sequences or positions within the peptide sequence. Also, combinatorial peptide libraries support the design of peptides useful as vaccines against infectious diseases such as COVID-19 as well as therapeutic vaccines against tumors.
Minimized epitopes provided as lipopeptides, as derived from library screens, are heat-stable, non-toxic, fully biodegradable, and can be used as such for T cell stimulation. Lipopeptides are known to activate antigen-presenting macrophages and cells to stimulate innate immunity via specific interactions with receptors of the Toll family.
Bio-Synthesis’s website offers Peptide Library Tools to help design peptide libraries useful for screening for highly active compounds such as antigenic peptides, or receptor ligands, antimicrobial compounds, and enzyme inhibitors.
Robert G. Urban & Roman M. Chicz; MHC Molecules. Expression, Assembly and Function. R.G. Landes Company, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. 1962. ISBN 0-412-10281-1.
Karl-Heinz Wiesmüller, Burkhard Fleckenstein and Günther Jung; Peptide Vaccines and Peptide Libraries. Biological Chemistry Volume 382: Issue 4.