Amino Acid Analysis0. IntroductionThe analysis of free amino acids present in food samples, body fluids such as urine, serum and blood, and other sources, amino acid hydrolysates, from proteins, or primary and secondary amines is an important, standardized method routinely performed in biochemical, medical and biological labs. It has been, and still is used for the accurate quantification and characterization of proteins and peptides, as well as recombinant gene products. It is considered the method of choice to determine the purity and chemical composition of a protein or peptide. • Losses of up to 50-100% can be experienced for some amino acids. 3b. Hydrolysis of sensitive amino acids • Serine and threonine Side chain hydroxyl group is modified during hydrolysis (eg. esterification, dehydration). Typical losses using standard hydrolysis conditions are 15-20% for serine and 10-15% for threonine. A typical method for quantitation is to run multiple hydrolyses at different hydrolysis times and plot the serine and threonine recovery versus length of hydrolysis (hydrolyzed for 30, 60 and 90 min). Extrapolate the recovery to time = 0 to yield an accurate quantitation. • Tyrosine Many attempts have been made over the years to improve recoveries of hydrolysis sensitive amino acids as well as to generate overall quantitative recoveries for all studied amino acids. A collection of hydrolysis conditions studied is listed in table 1. Table 1: Protein/Peptide Hydrolysis Methods
4. Derivatization methods for the amino acid analysis of proteins and peptides Many pre-column derivatization chemistries have been investigated over the years. All of them suffer from major disadvantages such as incompatibility with aqueous samples or dissolved salts, or interference from reagent peaks in the analysis chromatogram. A list of derivatization methods commonly used is shown in the next table: Table 2: Derivatization Chemistries for Amino Acids and Amine Analysis
A "pre-column" derivatization method used by several companies which produce and marked amino acid analyzer typically consists of several steps as listed below: 1. Derivatization of amino acids 2. Separation of derivatized amino acids by reversed phase chromatography 3. Detection in UV or using fluorescence for increased sensitivity (some chemistries). A "post-column" derivatization method mainly used for on-line ninhydrin derivatization in an automated amino acid analyzer consists of several steps as listed below: 1. Separation of amino acids by ion exchange chromatography 2. Derivatization of amino acids with ninhydrin at an elevated temperature 3. Detection of derivatives via absorption in the visible range (440 and 570 nm). The ninhydrin based system has been the most widely used system. 4.1. Derivatization of free amino acids using phenylisothiocyanate (PITC) ![]() Figure 1: Derivatization reaction of amines and free amino acids using PITC. PITC reacts with the free amino groups in amines and amino acids to form the phenylthiourea adduct of these compounds making them suitable for UV-detection.This reaction is used in the automated hydrolyzer/derivatizer set-up with on-line HPLC separation of the resulting PTC-amino acids and UV detection. Detection is done at 268 to 270 nm. 4.2 Derivatization of free amino acids using ortho-phthalaldehyde (OPA) ![]() Figure 2: Derivatization reaction of amines and free amino acids using ortho-phthalaldehyde (OPA). OPA reacts with the free amino groups in aminesand amino acids in the presents of a reducing reagent like b-mercaptoethanol to form their isoindole-derivatieves making them suitable for UV-and fluorescence detection.This reaction is usually used in a pre-column derivatization step with an automated derivatizer set-up with on-line HPLC separation. UV detection is done at 338 nm. Fluorescence detection is done using excitation settings at 340 nm and emmission settings at 450 nm. 4.3. Derivatization of free amino acids using (FMOC-Cl) ![]() Figure 3: Derivatization reaction of amines and free amino acids using 9-fluorenylmethyl-chloroformat (Fmoc). Fmoc reacts with the free amino groups in amines and amino acids to form Fmoc-derivatieves making them suitable for UV-and fluorescence detection.This reaction is usually used in a pre-column derivatization step with an automated derivatizer set-up with on-line HPLC separation. UV detection is done at 262 nm. Fluorescence detection is done using excitation settings at 266 nm and emmission settings at 305 nm. 4.4. Derivatization using Waters AccQ•TagTM amino acid analysis system ![]() Figure 4A: AQC (6-aminoquinolyl-N-hydroxy-succinimidyl carbamate. Chemical structure (left) and energy minimized molecular model (right). 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Amino Acid Analysis